7 research outputs found

    Round and Bipartize for Vertex Cover Approximation

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    The vertex cover problem is a fundamental and widely studied combinatorial optimization problem. It is known that its standard linear programming relaxation is integral for bipartite graphs and half-integral for general graphs. As a consequence, the natural rounding algorithm based on this relaxation computes an optimal solution for bipartite graphs and a 2-approximation for general graphs. This raises the question of whether one can interpolate the rounding curve of the standard linear programming relaxation in a beyond the worst-case manner, depending on how close the graph is to being bipartite. In this paper, we consider a round-and-bipartize algorithm that exploits the knowledge of an induced bipartite subgraph to attain improved approximation ratios. Equivalently, we suppose that we work with a pair (?, S), consisting of a graph with an odd cycle transversal. If S is a stable set, we prove a tight approximation ratio of 1 + 1/?, where 2? -1 denotes the odd girth (i.e., length of the shortest odd cycle) of the contracted graph ?? : = ?/S and satisfies ? ? [2,?], with ? = ? corresponding to the bipartite case. If S is an arbitrary set, we prove a tight approximation ratio of (1+1/?) (1 - ?) + 2 ?, where ? ? [0,1] is a natural parameter measuring the quality of the set S. The technique used to prove tight improved approximation ratios relies on a structural analysis of the contracted graph ??, in combination with an understanding of the weight space where the fully half-integral solution is optimal. Tightness is shown by constructing classes of weight functions matching the obtained upper bounds. As a byproduct of the structural analysis, we also obtain improved tight bounds on the integrality gap and the fractional chromatic number of 3-colorable graphs. We also discuss algorithmic applications in order to find good odd cycle transversals, connecting to the MinUncut and Colouring problems. Finally, we show that our analysis is optimal in the following sense: the worst case bounds for ? and ?, which are ? = 2 and ? = 1 - 4/n, recover the integrality gap of 2 - 2/n of the standard linear programming relaxation, where n is the number of vertices of the graph

    A Simple Optimal Contention Resolution Scheme for Uniform Matroids

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    A common approach to tackle a combinatorial optimization problem is to first solve a continuous relaxation and then round the obtained fractional solution. For the latter, the framework of contention resolution schemes (or CR schemes), introduced by Chekuri, Vondrak, and Zenklusen, is a general and successful tool. A CR scheme takes a fractional point xx in a relaxation polytope, rounds each coordinate xix_i independently to get a possibly non-feasible set, and then drops some elements in order to satisfy the independence constraints. Intuitively, a CR scheme is cc-balanced if every element ii is selected with probability at least cxic \cdot x_i. It is known that general matroids admit a (11/e)(1-1/e)-balanced CR scheme, and that this is (asymptotically) optimal. This is in particular true for the special case of uniform matroids of rank one. In this work, we provide a simple and explicit monotone CR scheme with a balancedness of 1(nk)(1kn)n+1k(kn)k1 - \binom{n}{k}\:\left(1-\frac{k}{n}\right)^{n+1-k}\:\left(\frac{k}{n}\right)^k, and show that this is optimal. As nn grows, this expression converges from above to 1ekkk/k!1 - e^{-k}k^k/k!. While this asymptotic bound can be obtained by combining previously known results, these require defining an exponential-sized linear program, as well as using random sampling and the ellipsoid algorithm. Our procedure, on the other hand, has the advantage of being simple and explicit. Moreover, this scheme generalizes into an optimal CR scheme for partition matroids

    Round and bipartize for vertex cover approximation

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    The vertex cover problem is a fundamental and widely studied combinatorial optimization problem. It is known that its standard linear programming relaxation is integral for bipartite graphs and half-integral for general graphs. As a consequence, the natural rounding algorithm based on this relaxation computes an optimal solution for bipartite graphs and a 2-approximation for general graphs. This raises the question of whether one can interpolate the rounding curve of the standard linear programming relaxation in a beyond the worst-case manner, depending on how close the graph is to being bipartite. In this paper, we consider a round-and-bipartize algorithm that exploits the knowledge of an induced bipartite subgraph to attain improved approximation ratios. Equivalently, we suppose that we work with a pair (G, S), consisting of a graph with an odd cycle transversal. If S is a stable set, we prove a tight approximation ratio of 1 + 1/ρ, where 2ρ − 1 denotes the odd girth (i.e., length of the shortest odd cycle) of the contracted graph G̃:= G/S and satisfies ρ ∈ [2, ∞], with ρ = ∞ corresponding to the bipartite case. If S is an arbitrary set, we prove a tight approximation ratio of (1 + 1/ρ) (1 − α) + 2α, where α ∈ [0, 1] is a natural parameter measuring the quality of the set S. The technique used to prove tight improved approximation ratios relies on a structural analysis of the contracted graph G̃, in combination with an understanding of the weight space where the fully half-integral solution is optimal. Tightness is shown by constructing classes of weight functions matching the obtained upper bounds. As a byproduct of the structural analysis, we also obtain improved tight bounds on the integrality gap and the fractional chromatic number of 3-colorable graphs. We also discuss algorithmic applications in order to find good odd cycle transversals, connecting to the MinUncut and Colouring problems. Finally, we show that our analysis is optimal in the following sense: the worst case bounds for ρ and α, which are ρ = 2 and α = 1 − 4/n, recover the integrality gap of 2 − 2/n of the standard linear programming relaxation, where n is the number of vertices of the graph

    A nearly optimal randomized algorithm for explorable heap selection

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    Explorable heap selection is the problem of selecting the nth smallest value in a binary heap. The key values can only be accessed by traversing through the underlying infinite binary tree, and the complexity of the algorithm is measured by the total distance traveled in the tree (each edge has unit cost). This problem was originally proposed as a model to study search strategies for the branch-and-bound algorithm with storage restrictions by Karp, Saks and Widgerson (FOCS '86), who gave deterministic and randomized n⋅exp(O(logn−−−−√)) time algorithms using O(log(n)2.5) and O(logn−−−−√) space respectively. We present a new randomized algorithm with running time O(nlog(n)3) using O(logn) space, substantially improving the previous best randomized running time at the expense of slightly increased space usage. We also show an Ω(log(n)n/log(log(n))) for any algorithm that solves the problem in the same amount of space, indicating that our algorithm is nearly optimal

    A nearly optimal randomized algorithm for explorable heap selection

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    Explorable heap selection is the problem of selecting the nth smallest value in a binary heap. The key values can only be accessed by traversing through the underlying infinite binary tree, and the complexity of the algorithm is measured by the total distance traveled in the tree (each edge has unit cost). This problem was originally proposed as a model to study search strategies for the branch-and-bound algorithm with storage restrictions by Karp, Saks and Widgerson (FOCS '86), who gave deterministic and randomized n⋅exp(O(logn−−−−√)) time algorithms using O(log(n)2.5) and O(logn−−−−√) space respectively. We present a new randomized algorithm with running time O(nlog(n)3) using O(logn) space, substantially improving the previous best randomized running time at the expense of slightly increased space usage. We also show an Ω(log(n)n/log(log(n))) for any algorithm that solves the problem in the same amount of space, indicating that our algorithm is nearly optimal